Current Trustees
There are five Trustees of the Hutt Mana Charitable Trust.
One newly elected trustee, Tony Stallinger formally took office at the end of October 2022.
Tony joins Nick Leggett, Anita Baker, Campbell Barry and Paul Swain on the Trust.

Nick Leggett
Nick represents North Wellington which includes Tawa, Johnsonville and Newlands. A former Mayor of Porirua City, Nick is committed to the trust building its assets to continue to reinvest in communities.
Nick is particularly focussed on targeting need in vulnerable whānau with children, through the trust’s support of energy retrofitting and heating.

Anita Baker
Anita was elected in 2016 to Hutt Mana Charitable Trust to represent Porirua.
She was elected as a Porirua City Councillor in 2010 and elected as Mayor of Porirua in 2019.

Paul Swain
Paul lives in Upper Hutt and has represented the city in both Parliament and on the Wellington Regional Council.
He has worked closely with many community groups and organisations over the years, and looks forward to continuing this work as Upper Hutt’s representative on the Hutt Mana Charitable Trust.
Paul was elected as a trustee at the 2019 elections

Campbell Barry
Aged 28, Campbell Barry became New Zealand’s youngest Mayor when he was elected to lead Hutt City Council in 2019.
Campbell has been involved in local government for nine years and is involved with a number of community organisations.
Campbell was elected to the Hutt Mana Charitable Trust at the 2019 elections.
He lives with his wife Laura in Wainuiomata.

Tony Stallinger
Tony was elected as one of two Lower Hutt representative trustees in 2022.
He was chief executive of Hutt City Council for 12 years and now serves there as a councillor. His earlier career was in finance and strategic management.
Tony currently lives in Belmont with his family, having been a resident in Lower Hutt for over 50 years. He is determined to continue supporting local community organisations and further the valuable contribution made by the Hutt Mana Charitable Trust.