We’re passionate about supporting schools and students in our region.
Energy projects for schools
We love supporting primary and intermediate schools with their special energy conservation, sustainability and efficiency projects.
At the start of every school year we invite schools in our region to put in their proposals for these projects.
Individual grants generally range from $500 upwards and we normally distribute up to $25,000 in total.
We’re looking for projects that have specific and measurable outcomes, where the students are involved and the benefits to students and/or cost savings to the school can be demonstrated.
Projects can involve small groups of students, whole class units of work, school or community initiatives or interschool activities. These projects may also be supported by other funding sources as well.
We support all manner of projects like Cannons Creek School with irrigation for their school garden or funding for bicycle helmets for Rātā Street School in Naenae.
Other projects have included funding for the installation of efficient power and water heating options for the swimming pool at Rewa Rewa School in Newlands and the planting of fruit trees at Dyer Street School in Lower Hutt.
If you’re interested in accessing this funding for your school get in touch with us today.